What next improvements in the OptimiCapture product can you expect? We worked hard to present our new web UI (user interface) to make the user experience more comfortable. The user interface will be very easy and intuitive for the basic orientation. The user finds all defined workflows in the shortlist and he can add or remove them to have them ready on the first screen. Then it will be one click operation to send, share or store documents, where the user needs them.

Localization to a high number of languages is another big news in the OptimiCature launch version. Users can utilize the web interface in languages like EN, DE, ES, FR, PL, CZ, and HR. Based on request we can offer localizations to other languages. Dark/light mode will also be available for the end user so they can decide based on daily routine which mode would be better for their eyes.

So how does it work? Users open a new web interface. They can edit their credentials. On the left side, they will see the option to download the documents in all random formats. OptimiCapture automatically converts the document to the user-defined format and by one click sends the document to defined Cloud storage, including Microsoft 365, OneDrive, DropBox, or Sharepoint. In the web digital workplace, the user is still able to choose from wide options of OptimiCapture functionalities, like for example watermarking, text reduction or metadata adding.

Try it for yourself to see how cool and easy is to work in a hybrid office with OptimiCapture product.

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Quisque in placerat nunc, vitae tincidunt quam. In molestie fringilla massa sed eleifend. Praesent sollicitudin massa ut leo dignissim auctor. Vivamus ut libero vitae odio pellentesque tempor sit amet at felis.

By Published On: October 3rd, 2022Categories: OptimiCapture

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