The covid last years era hopefully ended but it had a significant influence on our daily routine. Before this period we were not able to imagine that big business office parks remained empty and work from home would be a standard. But we live in a shifting time so now we have to focus on home office tool improvements and innovations to make the home office smart a simple for our customers.

Today‘s world is based on work from anywhere. You can be at home, at the airport, on the beach. The only thing you need is the internet. Forget the MFPs and use tools which you have always available with you. With your smartphone, you reach a personal scanner on the go. Just install the mobile app, both iOS and Android supported, and utilize all offered functionalities. The authentication method is very easy and processed by using your email and text message verification. There is automatically the option to remain connected on your private smartphone to avoid boring reauthentication.

In your mobile app you can easily scan the document and make all operations you are used to doing on the daily basis on the MFP. You can immediately send the document to predefined scanning workflows, like scan to email, scan to Sharepoint or scan to OneDrive. Documents will be immediately available for other colleagues wherever they are.

You can convert documents into editable formats. Just scan your paper document and decide in the mobile app which formatting suits you. The document remains the same, same formatting, pictures, and the whole overview. We support all frequently used formats like for example Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or PDF. You can also utilize other features like metadata adding, watermarking, text redaction, and many others.

Are you interested? Ask your MFP provider or write to

By Published On: September 12th, 2022Categories: OptimiCapture

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